Monday, February 7, 2011

I Am Near Perfect

I am a joy of flabbergast. George Lucas made the Trilogy (IV, V, VI) of Star Wars based on my life. I am considered the most wanted man in Miami although I've only been there once to meet the President of Monaco. I won gold in Olympic high jump with only one leg. I can dice carrots in exact and precise length and weight. On Sundays I teach Michael Phelps how to read. I take the bus to work and pay in twenties just because i can, even though i own five Lamborghini's and a 1993 Chevy Cavalier. Every morning I have a bowl of Kraft Dinner, aside of chocolate milk. I invented the Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra pose, named after my great uncle.

I caught a cat that fell out of a tree while riding underneath the oak on my fqvourate unicycle. The owners of the cat named their newly son after me. I sleep with my eyes open, ready for danger to break into my house as they do every Tuesday evening. My name is banned in four different languages because it brings fear into their culture. I give Opera everyday advice on life. I attend Masquerade parties without a mysterious mask because my bountiful face is already a mystery as it is. I made the Buffalo extinct with nothing but a empty Pez dispenser a as well as keeping the Gray Fox's population stable.

People fear me, animals adore me.  I am a plumber without the "plumber crack". I work for multi million dallar companies and is the founder of NASA, but I want to become a male nurse because i like to help others in need and I would be a fine aspect to your school.

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