Wednesday, May 25, 2011

123 Main Street
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

May 16, 2011

Mr. Kleats
Basketball Coach
120 Geen Avenue,
Sportstown, British Columbia
V2A 3W1

Dear Mr. Kleats,

I am the father of Jimmy Farebrother, a Player that is on the Jr. basketball team that you coach. I am aware of  the difficulties that a coach must handle with the responsabilities. I also appreciate the time and effort you spend on my sons basketball team.

 As fan and as a converned parent, when watching the basketball games and practices, I have noticed that my son has not been participating on Court like most kids in the season games. I would like to request if you could let my son have more playing time. He is very fond of basketball and I would like him to have more expierence with the sport.

When watching my son practice, i have noticed that you  addent practices late. Now I understand that there might be logical explanations of why you become late, but i am paying for my son to be on this team and it difficult seeing you attend 15 minuites late. If you are having a busy schedual, maybe i can sugest myself teaching the kids and running some drills at the beganing of practice before you arrive? I have some background of basketball and I am at practices anyways. If you need some help to cover your 15 minutes of absents, i am more then glad to keep the kids occupied.

During the games I and the rest of the parents have also reconized that you seem to raise your voice at the kids. If you could maintain your volume control I and the rest of the parents would greatly appreciate it. I am not aware of the stress levels of being a coach, but I am just converned of the environment my son is playing in.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Those Who Can't do, Teach. Those who Can't Teach, Teach Gym.

It is astounding how we do not recognize the hard work and preparation of a Physical Education teacher. Why is it that us students don't thank Gym teachers for not giving us homework but instead to be pairing up with a student that I have never talked to before, or may not have any efforts to be participating, causing my team to always lose.

      These teacher really deserve more then their title at just a "gym teacher".  They offer great advice for success, They are always keeping you on your feet, literally, and is always trying to get you involved with a in class assignments that involve my have being struck with pain by a flat, red rubber ball going a speed of 30km/hr. But that's not all, the best part is that the teachers like to being involved with the class projects as well. Thank you for teaching us students to be overloaded with testosterone as 30 year old men chase after you with foam ball. Now I really know what to do in a regular life basis when a man starts mugging me on the streets with a ball... focus on the ball and if i catch it, he is the one that is out. Gym : 1  real world : 0

Students also forget that gym is the only class where we  can do our studying outside! Even in the rain. Every student would die to go outside with their math notes in the pouring rain for a hour, to have some fresh air. Us students love the outdoors. Why else would half the class show to class with jeans and hoodies? Not only do students get to acknowledge the out doors as we jog laps around to field, we also get to stand in hot sun learning how to make contact with a ball using ones foot. Then, we practice. We practice for 30mins, learning how to kick a ball. But that's not all! These teachers know many different techniques to how to kick a ball. There is a lot of knowledge that one must know about the art of kicking a ball. If It wasn't for those days, Students will be living miserable lives and is missing the concept of how to appreciate on how to kick a ball. Gym : 1 Real wold : 0

Gym teachers are really good at helping the students get out of their comfort zone.  There is no better way to teach a class then to pick a certain student out of the crowd to give them a pop quiz, teaching the student to have

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stornoway. Musicians or Poets?

Fuel Up - Stornoway
Curled up in the back of the car,
9 years old you don't know where you are,
And your head's on the window your eyes are just closed,
There's a voice in the front and a hush on the road,
You're a passenger but your mind is travelling on.

Open your eyes and your 9 years older,
Hands on the wheel and your racing on over to lie with your first love you can't wait to see her,
You borrowed the car and you think your the driver,
But now your the passenger to your own heart and it takes you travelling,
Travelling on...

When the morning broke and the sky fell down,
It went black as night and the wind blew round,
And stole your directions you lost your way home,
And you felt like a passenger left by the road,
But I'll tell you the reason you couldn't get home,
Cause there's nowhere you've been and it's nowhere you're going,
Home is only a feeling you get in your mind,
From the people you love and you travel beside,
You may feel like a passenger but now you're the driver,
You've got to go travelling, travelling on
Because if you break down it's a cold hard shoulder...

So fuel up your mind and fire up your heart and drive on
Drive on drive on...
And when your days are darker put your foot down harder,
Drive on drive on.

And it's nine more years you've been driving now,
But tonight you're stumbling through your old town,
You met up with a schoolfriend who's still just the same,
And you talked all the same shit you talked in those days,
And now you're drunk and you're sad for the old times passing you by,
For there's no rewind so you might as well play while your time is rolling away,
And get back on the road it's a beautiful day,
Pick up all the friends you can find on your way,
And if you lose direction they'll be there guiding you on,
Guiding you, guiding you on...
Because we're all going the same way down this long road,
Yes, we're all bound the same way down this long, long road...

So fuel up your mind and fire up your heart and drive on
Drive on drive on...
And when your days are darker put your foot down harder,
Drive on,
Fuel up and drive on,
Fuel up and drive on,
Drive on...

What is unique about this song? the rift? the catchy tune? the vocals? No. What captures the listener is the poetic lyrics. Everything in ones live is compared to the life of the road. The lyrics give off the imagination  traveling as a kid on the quiet road. As a Metafore, The road represents ones life. As the end of your desonation is the end of your life and that the road trips are  never perfect, and though there may be dark times in ones life, one must "get back on the road" and move with life. The mood in the lyrics at frist give the reader a calm atmosphere as if one is quietly sleeping in the silent road. But the mood also changes through out the lyrics and gives the reader a more optimistic view on darker times.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Dream In A Prison.

A bell rings. The sound echos throughout the empty courtyard. Soon after, the doors open and crowds of blue fill the field. As the people began to do their regular day routine, two men had finished a game of basketball. They head for the shade, hiding from the hot sun against the cold concrete building. One man is named Mike. He is Caucasian and young and athletic. the other man is black and a older. his name is Tyson. Both in prison for burglary
 "For an old man," jokes Mike as he sits on the ground first, "you can play some good basketball".
  "I've use to play for my high school team. I still have it in me." pants Tyson. Silence occurs as the sound of other criminals laughing in the background as the men catch their breath.
Tyson breaks the silence. "You know what I hate about this place?"
  Mike responds, "what?"
      "I hate these god dam uniforms."
 " Yeah, we all look like Canadians with our blue jeans, blue jean shirts," As Tyson complains, "we need to look like criminals, you know, the orange jump suits, that way we will look like actual criminals. I don't want to look like a kind of person who got arrested for cursing, or for leaving the milk out. I want prison guards to think and say 'Hey Jim, I bet that black guy over there got here cause of murder."
   Mike looks as Tyson with confusion and replies "Out of this whole place you think the uniforms is our problem?" Anger starts to enter Tyson's body. " I think, that you are absolutely correct!" yells Mike as he jumps onto his feet. "I think you should tell the Warden about that idea of yours."
Tyson says with excitement, "really? you mean it? Gosh I bet we could get a bake sale at 11AM recess and sell cookies, oh and even muffins!"
Mike grabs Tyson by the arm. " Now don't tell anyone about this idea. I don't want to see other guys setting up a cookie stand," whispers Mike.
 Tyson studders,  " don't worry, it will just between you and me!".
Both men start to smile. Like little boys finding a dollar, they jump around the basketball court with excitement and ambition. As they high fives each other, the men race to the wardens office.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bullying is the sugar in a Coke Zero

Princess Margret Secondary school, located in the city of Penticton, has a student population of about 750 kids. Each with a different personalities and trates. In this school the colour is majority white but it seems that colour is never a issue. I walk through the hallways, finding my way around this small school. I find the class room i was looking  for and enter quietly as the class is in session. I walk into a classroom where the teacher is a man that goes by Mr. Hogg. He seems to be doing a demo. I sneak into the back and bring out my notes.

"Alright class, today we are going to find out velocity using a demo," announces the teacher. "by seeing how fast this car is going when it comes into impact with Rachel Knoll!."
All the kids turn to a young classmate, including the teacher, points at the embarrassed girl and began to laugh.
"Mr. Hogg," yells a boy with his arm waving in the air.
 "Yes Matt?"
"Can I drive the car?"
"No I think I'm going to be behind the wheel on this demo"
My watch beeps as it is telling me I must move on to another class room.

                I walk up to the upstairs floor and as I look into the window of a class room, I see a teacher, torturing this innocent child with a microphone in his hand to sing along with some sort of karaoke device. The child doesn't sing. Until I see the teacher slam her ruler onto a desk in front of her and soon the innocent child begins to sing. I thought I saw a tear come out of his eye, but I was too far to notice. I turn around the corner and I enter the classroom that says "Mr.Van Camp".

      I again, sneak into the back without distraction. The kids in this classroom are quiet, heads stuck to their papers, hoping their names wouldn't be brought up.
"Stand up if you have a date this weekend," asks the Teacher.
No one stands
"Really? Not a single person? When I was your age I had millions of girls wanting to date me. It's a good thing you have me as you teacher or you would be lonely for the rest of your lives! I'm here to set your pathetic lives in order."
Still, no kid gives the teacher eye contact.
"I'm going to draw a name and who ever I draw, I will give you one tip on  how to be successful like me! Corey!"
the boy looks up with embarrassment.
" Oh boy, there is so many things to choose from. You need a hair cut for sure, and you also-"
the teacher pauses as the bell rings and the students bolt to the door. I've been at this school for one class and I already know the system in this school. It seems that the kids are very good and the low amount of  bullying in this school. The teachers on the other hand, need to learn from the classmates. I meet up with the boy who was called in the last class.
"That English class is like the swirlie in a toilet" said Corey.
" I understand that these teachers have much to learn about us. Sooner or later the bullying will stop and then we can really be a true school with Mustang pride."
Teachers, are the role models to kids. If every parent is concerned about bullying, I suggest that we replace all teachers with computers. Sure a lot of people will become unemployed but it's for the safty for our children. That way, our schools with be safe from vicious bullies such as the ones I witnessed at this school.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Am Near Perfect

I am a joy of flabbergast. George Lucas made the Trilogy (IV, V, VI) of Star Wars based on my life. I am considered the most wanted man in Miami although I've only been there once to meet the President of Monaco. I won gold in Olympic high jump with only one leg. I can dice carrots in exact and precise length and weight. On Sundays I teach Michael Phelps how to read. I take the bus to work and pay in twenties just because i can, even though i own five Lamborghini's and a 1993 Chevy Cavalier. Every morning I have a bowl of Kraft Dinner, aside of chocolate milk. I invented the Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra pose, named after my great uncle.

I caught a cat that fell out of a tree while riding underneath the oak on my fqvourate unicycle. The owners of the cat named their newly son after me. I sleep with my eyes open, ready for danger to break into my house as they do every Tuesday evening. My name is banned in four different languages because it brings fear into their culture. I give Opera everyday advice on life. I attend Masquerade parties without a mysterious mask because my bountiful face is already a mystery as it is. I made the Buffalo extinct with nothing but a empty Pez dispenser a as well as keeping the Gray Fox's population stable.

People fear me, animals adore me.  I am a plumber without the "plumber crack". I work for multi million dallar companies and is the founder of NASA, but I want to become a male nurse because i like to help others in need and I would be a fine aspect to your school.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Hairy Month

Today is a big day to be in grade 12. It is time to put my razor down and let mother nature take part in my appearance. It is the first morning November. Where I make a statement with my mustache saying "hey you little ninth graders! Look at what you can't grow!". It is  time where my baby face  gets a chance to prove that I've been trying to compete since the beaning of summer, waiting for this month. Sure you can't really see the blonde  mustache, but when the sun gleams on my upper lip at a certain angle, I and hopefully my peers can see the outline of maturity. Within days, the facial grows and the faces change. Though those beards, covering the bottom half of my friends faces, I can still see the faces I grew up with. But I remain proud with my hairless cheeks and chin. As well as the girls part taking in this even, unfortunately mating season nor being social to the opposite sex in not in November. But mustaches are more important than the hairy-legged females. This is the one month that teachers are afraid to compete with against the grade twelves. I personally can't compete into the teachers level but I'm still in the lead for hairiest legs between me and the faculty. Although I place myself between the female teachers and I. Mrs. Bevington is hard to compete against but I win with the gold medal. On the sidelines,  I can see that the teachers have no match against the hairy graduates of 2011. We are the more dominant in the school for the whole month. Other grades fear our rational facial hair. I, however, can proudly say we own this school. Not the large amounts of young and hairless Juniors. I and my fellow graduates also respect the competition the teachers try to bring to their defeat and I hope their respect is mutual. It took me eighteen years to grow the blonde facial hair I am proud to grow. But it also took me eighteen years to become mature and independent, ready for the world in front of me. All of this is shown through the hairs of my upper lip.